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  • AITP is the leading worldwide society of professionals in Information Technology. 
  • For over 60 years, AITP has championed the human element of the Information Technology profession and remains focused on providing a community of knowledge, education and resources that will empower its members to reach their true potential as an IT business professional.

Jackson Chapter membership - $35.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

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AITP began as the National Machine Accountants Association back in the 1950s, and an active chapter was formed in Jackson at this time. With the advent of powerful, mainframe computers and the accompanying staffs, the name was soon changed to DPMA (Data Processing Management Association) to focus more on the processing of all types of data. However, with the proliferation of personal and mid-range computers, this name also became dated, and effective in 1997 the association members changed its name to AITP (Association of Information Technology Professionals).

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